The Mediating Role of Career Futures between Prospective Teachers’ Career Calling and Career Adaptability
Career calling , Career adaptability, Career futuresAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the mediating role of career futures in the relationship between prospective teachers' career adaptability and career calling. This aim was carried out according to the quantitative research patterns relational model. The sample of this study consists of 225 prospective teachers between 18 and 39 years of age ( = 21.49, SD = 1.81). Data were collected using the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale, Career Futures Inventory, and Career Calling Scale. The two-stage Structural Equation Modeling technique tested the hypothetically determined model. Accordingly, the measurement model was first examined. Afterwards, the structural model was tested. In this model test, the Maximum Likelihood estimation technique was used. Bootstrapping analysis showed that this indirect effect was significant in 1,000 bootstrapping samples. As a result of the model test, it was determined that the career futures partially mediate the relationship between career adaptability and career calling. In line with the findings of this study, recommendations for future researchers and practitioners are presented
Kara, A., Altinok, A., Tutuk, T., & Kayisdag, E. (2024). The mediating role of career futures between prospective teachers’ career calling and career adaptability. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health (JESEH), 10(2), 171-178.
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