The Role of Microteaching on Pre-Service Primary School Science Teachers’ Conceptual Understandings Regarding Phases of the Moon

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Conceptual Change, Microteaching, Pre-service science teachers, Phases of the moon


Microteaching is a significant way to prepare pre-service teachers to overcome specific challenges in a natural classroom environment. It is widely accepted that pre-service science teachers gain pedagogical benefits from microteaching activities. Furthermore, microteaching enhances the conceptual understanding of the presenter on the related teaching topics. This research intends to map two pre-service science teachers’ conceptual understanding before and after engaging in microteaching on the concept of phases of the moon. The data were collected through pre and post-interviews and observations of microteaching. Activated knowledge elements during interviews and microteaching were determined and compared. The study’s results provided evidence that microteaching is a fruitful way to improve pre-service science teachers' understanding of phases of the moon. Furthermore, it was detected that both the quality and quantity of pre-service science teachers' knowledge elements increased after their microteaching engagements

Author Biographies

Ali Sagdic, Kafkas University

Science Education

Elvan Sahin, Middle East Technical University

Science Education


Sagdic, A. & Sahin, E. (2023). The role of microteaching on pre-service primary school science teachers’ conceptual understandings regarding phases of the moon. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health (JESEH), 9(1), 29-43.




How to Cite

Sagdic, A., & Sahin, E. (2023). The Role of Microteaching on Pre-Service Primary School Science Teachers’ Conceptual Understandings Regarding Phases of the Moon. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health, 9(1), 29–43.


