The Relationship between Academic Coping, Approach Achievement Goals and the Fear of Shame and Embarrassment in Science Class

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  • Pelin Mete ataturk university
  • Munevver Subasi Mustafa kemal university


Achievement goals, Coping strategies, Fear of failure, Fear of shame and embarrassment


This study aims to examine the relationship between approach achievement goals, the fear of shame embarrassment failure, and coping strategies in secondary school science courses. Academic coping was handled in four dimensions: positive, projective, denial, and non-coping. The sample of the study included 249 sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade students studying at one of the largest cities in the eastern part of Turkey. Descriptive statistics of variables were determined with the SPSS program. The relationship between the variables of the study was examined with the path analysis using the Amos program. According to the results of the analysis, a positive correlation was found between performance-approach goals and positive coping strategies. Fear of shame and embarrassment was positively correlated with positive coping and non-coping from the coping strategies and with mastery-approach goals from the approach achievement goals.


Mete, P. & Subasi, M. (2021). The relationship between academic coping, approach achievement goals and the fear of shame and embarrassment in science class. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health (JESEH), 7(1), 15-25.




How to Cite

Mete, P., & Subasi, M. (2021). The Relationship between Academic Coping, Approach Achievement Goals and the Fear of Shame and Embarrassment in Science Class. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health, 7(1), 15–25. Retrieved from


