Computer Game Addiction in Gifted Students and Non-Gifted Children: A Caution for Technology-Oriented STEM Activities

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  • Uzeyir Ogurlu University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, WI, USA
  • Suleyman Kahraman Beykent University
  • Alper Kayaalp South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, USA


Computer games, Addiction, Children, Gifted students


The aim of this research was to examine computer game addiction levels in gifted students, in comparison with addiction levels in non-gifted students. Data were obtained from 614 (169 gifted, 445 non-gifted) primary school students in Turkey, by using The Computer Game Addiction Scale for Children. This research was a correlational study using ANCOVA to compare gifted and non-gifted samples, and the multiple regression was conducted to determine predictors of game addiction in the gifted sample. Research findings showed that there was no statistical difference between gifted and non-gifted students’ computer game addiction levels, after controlling for the gender, school type, and game type. However, there was a significant difference in addiction scores between males and females in the sample whilst controlling for the giftedness, school type, and game type. Finally, gender and daily playtime have been found to be significant predictors of game addiction in gifted students.

Author Biography

Suleyman Kahraman, Beykent University

Department of Psychology

Asst. Prof.


Ogurlu, U., Kahraman, S. & Kayaalp, A. (2021). Computer game addiction in gifted students and non-gifted children: A caution for technology-oriented STEM activities. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health (JESEH), 7(2), 128-138.




How to Cite

Ogurlu, U., Kahraman, S., & Kayaalp, A. (2021). Computer Game Addiction in Gifted Students and Non-Gifted Children: A Caution for Technology-Oriented STEM Activities. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health, 7(2), 128–138. Retrieved from


